Upstream Cardano 2024 event line-up


Upstream Feb 07, 2024 Events

Upstream Cardano 2024 event line-up

This year is lining up to be packed full of workshops, social meet-ups and hopefully the 24 Community Summit! Stay tuned as we announce our events for this year and come join the Cardano Community build the future.

Sat 13 April – Atrium event

Âtrium + Upstream networking event to connect and discuss the great features offered by Atrium Staking Baskets, and get to know the team behind the idea.

Where: London (see meetup for full details)
Event time: 6pm – late
RSVP on Meetup

Sat 27 April – Catalyst Improvement Workshop

Upstream and the London community at the Catalyst Improvement Workshop, designed to gain detailed feedback from the community who benefit from the Catalyst, and their views on how to improve it.

Where: London Friends House (see Luma for full details)
Event time: 9AM – 4PM
RSVP on Luma Events

Fri 24 May – DRep workshop

Where: London
Event time: early afternoon through to evening (London Cardano Social after!)
RSVP on Meetup

October / November – London Cardano Summit 2024

We aim to host the London Community-lead Cardano Summit again this year. After a hugely successfully 2022 and 2023 London Summits we plan to up the game with celebrating projects, creators and the community through a packed day of speakers, networking, good food and interactive giveaways (Whats happened to Clint’s safe?)

Where: London
Event time: TBC
How to attend: TBC